Yesterday Kelly for the Denison Nature Center came to 4's Preschool. We learned about penguins.

Happy Valentine's Day for the CO-U Preschool!

4's Preschool celebrated their 50th day of school on Feb.14th.

Below is the link to register for soccer in Mapleton this year. CORA will not be having soccer so this would be a great option if your child would like to play. Registration open until March 1st.

The second graders have spent the last 2 weeks learning about the Westward Expansion. Today we wrapped up this unit by making homemade butter and enjoying it on homemade bread donated by Jessica Staley! It was a fun filled day for Mrs. Green's and Ms. TenEyck's class!

3rd grade Valentine's Day and Coach Sloth Visit! ❤️💛

3-5 bobcat of the week recipients: Maelee Mohr, Isaac Bendixion, and Cole Dorale.

PK4-2nd bobcat of the week recipients: Kyson Pape, Joseph Sorensen, Lindy Vogt, Quinn Hadden, and Jacob Sorensen.

CO-U and MVAO will be 2 hours late today, February 16, 2024 due to road conditions. Thank you and stay safe.

This is a reminder to all families that MVAO and COU will have school tomorrow February 16,2024 to make up hours that were missed due to weather in January.

Coach Sloth came to visit today. We had so much fun listening to his stories and helping act them out, that we decided to all come back and work on writing our own stories! Maybe one day they'll be sending him their first book!

Thanks to Author/Coach Ryan Sloth for coming to COU today and sharing his stories with us and inspiring us to read more and maybe become authors someday ourselves! Thank you to Mrs. Oberreuter for organizing this event!

Getting ready for Coach Sloth to visit COU Elementary in the morning!

Happy Valentines Day from Mrs. Greens sweethearts! 🩷

3YO bobcat of the week: Mara McAndrews

I'm a little late, but the Kindergarten class had a lot of fun celebrating the 100th day of school!

On February 12, 2024 a letter was sent home with one of your students in our building regarding the changing of bus routes and the exchange that occurs in Ute. Here is a copy of the the cover letter that was sent home. The change will take place on FEBRUARY 20, 2024! If you have questions please contact the school or your bus driver.

Read Across America Week will be between March 4th-8th! Here is a list of what the dress up days will be. We look forward to how your kids are dressed up!

It's time for our weekly Staff Spotlight, where we take time to introduce one of our amazing staff members to you, our community. We hope you enjoy getting to know us a little better. Today we introduce the wonderful Mrs. Cassandra Christophersen.
She is our wonderful 2nd grade Para-educator. This is Cassie’s 1st year at Charter Oak- Ute. When asked what she loved most about working here she stated she loved seeing the smiles on kid’s faces and being in the same school as her children. Advice she would give to other incoming staff is to take it day by day and enjoy all the fun that comes with working with children. When stopping by the school lunchroom her favorite meal is Crispitos.
Outside of school Cassie enjoys spending time with her family, which includes her husband of 5 years, Sheldon and their 3 girls, Millie, Audrey and Ivy. And their 4th girl, a mini goldendoodle named Daisy. Activities she enjoys doing with her family are swimming and having movie nights.

Student Council will be selling a Crush for a Crush this year! If you would like to buy one they will be for sale during the lunch shifts for one dollar! Student council kids will be passing them out the last period of the day on Wednesday!