The elementary students at Charter Oak-Ute met in the gym on Friday for their third quarter Reading Celebration. Awards were handed out, bookmark contest winners were announced, and the fifth grade led a giant Mad-Lib activity.

Here is our preschool dressed up in their hats for Read Across America week!!

To wrap up our Read Across America week we had hat day at school! Please enjoy all of the kids that dressed up!

Junior high bobcats of the week are Whitney Dorale, Gavin Amunson, and Michael Sorensen.

Congrats to our 3rd through 5th grade Bobcats of the week! They are Addison Wilcox, Caleb Meseck, Wyatt Tuet, and Lydia Keipe! Great job Bobcats!

PK4-2nd grade bobcats of the week recipients: Whitley Kuhlmann, Chloe Amunson, Paisley Carter, and Rhett Terwilleger.

Please join us on March 14th @ 6:00pm as the CO-U JH presents, "Will You Be My Nemesis?"
Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for kids, $15 for families(that would otherwise exceed $15). All proceeds go to the Drama Fund to continue to provide resources for future performances.

4 year old preschoolers Crazy Hats!

Read Across America has been eventful this week with the snow day! Monday was pajama day!!

Read Across America has been eventful this week with the snow day! Tuesday's day was outfits you wear/got on vacation!

Read Across America has been eventful this week with the snow day! Today's day was crazy sock day!

Read Across America has been eventful this week with the snow day! Today's day was crazy sock day!

COU and MVAO will be 2 hours late on March 6, 2025. Thank you and stay safe.

COU and MVAO will be closed on 3/5/25 due to the blizzard like conditions. Thank you and stay safe..

C O U will release at 2:30 pm on March 4, 2025 due to the high wind speeds and blizzard warning. Thanks and stay safe.

Reviewing syllable types by having a syllable on an index card and finding the other syllables to make their word!! They absolutely love this little game all while learning!!

Our 2nd graders are learning all about our shapes by making things out of them!! They had a great time!

Check out the Employment Opportunities at CO-U.
New - Charter Oak-Ute is seeking the services of on individual to be our next Building Custodian.
- Hours are 9:00 am until 5:30 pm.
- Pay is subject to the candidates qualifications and/or experience.
- IPERS and other benefits are included
If interested in any of the positions please stop by our office or download an application at:
You can also contact the school with any inquires.

The fifth graders are working hard on their communication skills. In their guidance class they have started a project of surviving an island until they are rescued! Here are the students figuring out what jobs each of them would have on their first day on the island! In order to survive the island they have to work together and listen to one another!

Congrats to our 3rd through 5th grade Bobcats of the week! They are Alexa Gran, Vera Meseck, Alyce Skarin, and Anna Burroughs! Great job kids!