Aluminum foil boats! How many pennies will it hold before it leaks?

The Student Council members, Abbey Meseck and Liliana Perry are Sponsoring a fundraiser for HELP! Hurricane Florence – Oct. 1st to Oct 12th You can help by donating: canned/boxed food, paper towels, toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, etc. Together, we can make a difference!! Bring items to school and the boxes will be in the offices. Thanks for your support!!

Newspaper towers! Who knew it could be so strong!

Ms. TenEycks bobcats of last week!!!

This is the 4th graders Bobcat of the week!

Reading temperatures in Science

Reading temperature

4th graders are learning about magnets in science today!

Frisbee Golfing on the playground.

Bobcats of the week in 4th grade hanging with Mr. Eggeling.

4th graders working on their friendship comic strips

Ms TenEycks bobcats of the week for last week!!

They found out that building a tower of cups without your hands is a little challenging!!!

5 th grade recorders on Monday morning!

The 4th graders have been experimenting with Energy in Science. Learning how energy is transferred from a battery(s) to light bulbs and a motor. Also, learning how to work in small groups.

Can you make a rectangle?

5th having fun with word work!

Here are the COU junior high football players!!

No school tomorrow due to the scheduled in-service being a 2 hr. late start and with the heat and humidity a 2 hr. early dismissal would be likely. We don't feel it would be prudent to have them attend school for three hours.

2 hr. early dismissal today for COU. MVAOCOU high school students will be dismissed at regular time.