Reminder, Tomorrow September 18 is picture day! Please have your child ready and bring their best smile!
about 6 years ago, Adam Eggeling
MVAOCOU High School students will be dismissed at the regular time and will be bused home at the regular time.
about 6 years ago, Rollie Wiebers
Charter Oak-Ute will be dismissing two hours early today, Monday September 17th due to heat and humidity. There will be no JH VB or FB practice today.
about 6 years ago, Rollie Wiebers
Today the 2nd graders investigated what happens to different types of rocks when they are placed in water. We saw bubbles and changes in color!
about 6 years ago, Megan Christiansen
Come on Tuesday at 4:00 to watch the Bobcats take on the Ar-We-Va Rockets!
about 6 years ago, Ashton Seieroe
Rolling to find odd and even numbers! Math is so much fun!
about 6 years ago, Leanne Thies
Science experiment
about 6 years ago, Amy TenEyck
Science experiment
about 6 years ago, Amy TenEyck
Science experiment
about 6 years ago, Amy TenEyck
about 6 years ago, Amy TenEyck
about 6 years ago, Amy TenEyck
First pep assembly of the year!
about 6 years ago, Shelley Stallons
Kindergarten love our new Smart Room!
about 6 years ago, Brenda Gran
Nothing like a good book on a beautiful day!
about 6 years ago, Megan Christiansen
Smart room in action
about 6 years ago, Amy TenEyck
smart room
about 6 years ago, Amy TenEyck
Smart Room in action
about 6 years ago, Amy TenEyck
4th grade cowgirls and cowboys.
about 6 years ago, Trent Lally
First band rehearsal 5 th grade
about 6 years ago, Shelley Stallons
JH PE - Human Hungry Hungry Hippos Game takes teamwork to be successful!
about 6 years ago, Danny Steele