Please take the following survey regarding transportation and returning to school. Please do so by August 6. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Adam Eggeling
Registration Material is found under the documents section of our website. You can print them off and drop them off at school the week of August 3. Monday and Tuesday the office will be open 11-6. On Wednesday we will return to normal office hours. Only 2 people will be allowed in the building a time to do registration. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Adam Eggeling
CO-U Return to Learn Plan is summarized in the News Feed and the full plan is in the Documents section of our website.
over 4 years ago, Adam Eggeling
Dear Parents/Guardians of COU 6th, 7th, and 8th graders, As you may or may not be aware, in March of 2020 our Charter Oak-Ute Junior High was selected as a winner in the KTIV Making a Difference Contest. By winning this contest, the entire Junior High Student Body wins a trip to Arnold’s Park in Okoboji, IA. Under normal circumstances, we would’ve taken this field trip at the end of the school year, however, due to CoVid-19, and Arnold’s Park recently shutting down, the best way to reward the students is to give each 6th, 7th, and 8th grader their own personal FREE admission ticket and let you decide when would be a good day for you to go as a family or with a small group of friends. Tickets for all previous 6th, 7th and 8th graders from this past school year will have their tickets waiting in the office If you would like to stop by the school to pick them up. If you would like your ticket mailed to you, simply call the office and we will send them out. Thank you and congratulations to the COU Student Council for submitting the winning video to showcase just how COU is Making a Difference!
over 4 years ago, Adam Eggeling
Please take the following survey developed by our school district in order to further plan for the following school year. The link to the survey is as follows: The survey will close on July 10, 2020.
over 4 years ago, Adam Eggeling
Please take the survey that has been released by the Iowa Department of Education. It will close on June 24. Only do it once per family. Only take it if you have a student.
over 4 years ago, Adam Eggeling
COU will not be providing meals on May 25, 2020. We will start back again on May 27, 2020. Meals will be provided at least through the month of June. Thank you and stay safe!!
over 4 years ago, Adam Eggeling
Please look at our News Feed to see the information for Personal Belongings pickup! Miss you all and stay safe!!!
over 4 years ago, Adam Eggeling
7th & 8th Grade Bucket Lists plus Words - Sorry we are not there to talk about them. Miss you bunches!!
over 4 years ago, Shauna Heiden
7th and 8th Bucket Lists and Word for the Year
8th Grade Bucket Lists and Words
Check out our News feed for May 3rd Instructional material pick up information!
over 4 years ago, Adam Eggeling
HS Prom will be June 27 and MVAOCOU graduation will be July 12. For more information contact MVAOCOU High School.
almost 5 years ago, Adam Eggeling
April 20, 2020 COVID-19 Update - Please look at the News feed for the newest COVID-19 update
almost 5 years ago, Adam Eggeling
April 14 Instructional Material Pick-Up: Please look at the News Feed to look at the Instructional Material Pick-Up schedule for April 14. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Adam Eggeling
Potential Device Checkout Survey: Please fill out the survey. The link is The number of devices are limited, and if you do not have internet you do not need to fill this out.
almost 5 years ago, Adam Eggeling
Internet Connectivity/Accessibility Survey: Please respond to the following survey: Please only respond if you have a student and only one time per family. Thank you and stay safe!
almost 5 years ago, Adam Eggeling
COVID-19 Update 4/3/2020 - Please refer to the News portion of our website or the COVID-19 folder in the documents section of our website to see the 4/3/2020 COVID-19 update. Stay safe!
almost 5 years ago, Adam Eggeling
COVID-19 UPDATE Crawford County Public Health has issued an update on COVID-19 information. Please look at the News feed or in the COVID-19 folder in the Documents section under the menu of our website.
almost 5 years ago, Adam Eggeling
Any family or person that needs any sort of help or assistance can check out the Crawford Cares Facebook Page.
almost 5 years ago, Adam Eggeling
Check our News feed to learn about Free meal distribution to kids 0-18 in the towns of Charter Oak, Ute, and Solider. Information will also be in the documents section under Closure Meal Info.
almost 5 years ago, Adam Eggeling
Click on our News to see when to pickup your supplemental instructional materials on March 22, 2020. Also, the information is also posted in the COVID-19 Folder on our Documents section of our website. Any questions please contact Mr. Eggeling!!
almost 5 years ago, Adam Eggeling