COU and MVAOCOU will be 2 hours late 2/22/21 due to country road conditions.
Please take the following survey regarding JH Spring Conferences.
Go to the following link:
Looking at the forecast, starting tomorrow, February 18, 2021 we could potentially be going out for recess at some point. If the real feel is above 0 degrees we will go outside. Please make sure your elementary students are equipped to go outside for recess with hats, mittens or gloves, boots, and warm clothing. We appreciate your cooperation with this and look forward to being able to get some fresh air if the weather allows us to.
No School at COU on 2/16/21. Staff report by 10 am. Thank you and stay safe.
COU will be 2 hours late on 2/16/21 due to the cold weather. Thank you and stay safe.
Reminder, there is not school at COU or MVAOCOU on 2/15/21.
first grade Valentines Day party
Please look in the documents section of our website under McKinney-Vento Homless Liason information for information regarding your family's rights educationally if you qualify.
Celebrating our 100th Day of school
There is some confusion as to wether or not schools will still require masks. Since public health guidelines have not changed for quarantining, COU will still require masks in order to keep students and staff that are healthy to not be quarantined. I’m sorry for the confusion created by this, but in order to to keep healthy people in school, we need to stay as is. Thank you for your understanding on this matter.
Adam Eggeling
Reminder: The PTO will be serving Staley's chicken on Super Bowl Sunday 2-7-2021. The proceeds go to helping our students and staff here at CO-U. Please join us in supporting them this Sunday!
No School at COU or MVAO COU on 2/4/21. Thanks and stay safe.
NO School at CO-U on January 26, 2021. Thank you and stay safe.
CO-U will be 2 hours late January 26, 2021 due to the weather. Updates will come in the morning if needed. Stay safe!
There will be NO SCHOOL January 25, 2021 due to weather. Stay Safe!
Starting next week on Monday I will be volunteering my time to teach any junior high student from CO-U how to lift weights. My focus will be on
1.) Safety
2.) Injury prevention
3.) Strength
We will meet at 6:30 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week. I will put together a more detailed calendar for those who are interested. Students will be done in time to shower and get to breakfast/class.
COU will be closed Friday, January 15th, 2021 due to the potential blizzard conditions. Thank you and stay safe!
We will be getting out 2 hours early on January 14, 2021 due to the weather. All activities will be postponed/cancelled. Thank you.
Great job 7th and 8th grade boys basketball teams! Nice wins against Denison tonight!
We have moved our scheduled board meeting for January 11 at 6:00 p.m. to January 18 at 5:00p.m. Also, the joint board meeting that was scheduled January 11 has been postponed with a date to be determined.